"Introduction to Cultural Brokering for the Medical Interpreter"
Thursday, June 30, 9:30am-12:30pm
Catholic Charities Maine
250 Anderson Street Portland
Trainers: Malvina Gregory, Director - CCME Language Partners
Jessica Goldhirsch, MPH
Interpreting textbooks & trainings often state that interpreters need to notice when cultural differences arise, and intervene when necessary to make sure that communication is clear. Unfortunately, very few models explain exactly how an interpreter is supposed to do that. Just as not all bilingual people make for good interpreters because they lack training, likewise not all bi-cultural people make good cultural brokers. It takes a special mix of skills and experience to identify cultural differences and explain the dynamics to an outsider. The skills must be learned, and hopefully as our profession advances, they will be taught.
Next Thursday, June 30th, we at Catholic Charities Language Partners will start a discussion with Maine interpreters about how to do this complex part of their work. We are offering this training in alongside the Interpreter Services program at Children's Hospital in Boston, MA, and our joint reflections on the training and lessons learned will be shared at the 2011 International Medical Interpreters Association conference this fall. We hope that our training will lead the way for more discussions nationwide. The truth is that without effective cultural brokering good health outcomes are much less likely to occur. Doctors and patients will misunderstand each other. For the sake of our patients, we need to start developing ways to teach our interpreters.
If you are an interpreter and interested in attending, you can call 523-2726 or e-mail mgregory@ccmaine.org. Registration is limited to 25 students. Training will be free for all CCME interpreters. Registration fee for non-CCME interpreters: $50.00. Interpreters must have already completed a 12hr Basic Interpreter Training to attend this course.